
Water and Wastewater Analysis

Mar 24 2021

Author: Bernd Bletzinger on behalf of Analytik Jena GmbH

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In times of scarce resources and a steadily growing world population, environmental monitoring is of particular importance. It contributes to improving quality of life and public health by providing a valid data base for political and technological decisions.
The analysis of water and wastewater, as a subarea of environmental analysis, plays a central role in this context. Although three quarters of the earth are covered with water, only less than one percent can be used as drinking water. Growing pollution and the climate change are further reducing the amount of clean, easily accessible drinking water. Water and wastewater analyses are therefore key measures taken by municipalities and states to improve water recycling continuously and to make available water resources safer. Our mission is to support customers worldwide with Analytik Jena equipment and solutions to improve their services and products and thus sustainably increase environmental quality and the quality of life. This e-book follows this intention. We aim to present ways, both methodologically and technologically, to meet the challenges of water analysis in laboratories around the world more easily, reliably, and effectively. Today, environmental analysis faces major challenges: Ever-increasing numbers of samples must often be processed with dwindling financial and human resources. We are addressing these demands with the application examples and solutions demonstrated in this document. The e-book focuses on central applications in water analysis. In addition to elemental analysis, sum parameter analysis of TOC/TNb and AOX, and UV/Vis spectroscopy, we also present a solution for molecular biological testing: the detection of water pathogens. Get to know flexibly applicable methods and technologies that can be individually tailored to your particular application. We hope you will get many valuable insights. In case of any questions about the methods and solutions presented in this e-book, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Our experts will be happy to support you with any issues regarding
environmental monitoring solutions.

Private households and many industries produce large volumes of wastewater that need to be treated before this water can be reused or discharged into natural waters. The sum parameters total organic carbon (TOC) and total bound nitrogen (TNb) have to be measured routinely at the influent and effluent of a
sewage treatment plant, both to operate the plant in the best possible manner and to meet legal limits. These pollutants can lead to eutrophication of surface water recourses, endanger aquatic life, and contaminate groundwater supplies. A sub-fraction of TOC belongs to a more toxic and persistent substance class of the halogenated hydrocarbons, which can be determined by the sum parameter AOX (adsorbable organically bound halogens).
With the multi N/C series, the multi X 2500, and the associated sample preparation units (APU series and AFU 3) Analytik Jena offers a large range of analyzers for powerful TOC/TNb as well as AOX/TOX, EOX, and POX analysis in wastewater. Whether routine analysis of moderate sample quantities or high throughput analysis, we offer customized automation solutions. The analyzers of the multi N/C series and the multi X 2500 are especially designed for particulate water samples and are characterized by simple operation, high robustness, and easy maintenance.

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