• Are you looking for a quicker, cheaper and yet more precise approach to multi-residue pesticide analysis for food safety labs?

Food Safety Testing

Are you looking for a quicker, cheaper and yet more precise approach to multi-residue pesticide analysis for food safety labs?

Sep 01 2021

Restek have come up with an innovative solution to enable food safety labs time and money when analysing multi-residue pesticides in food samples – the Revive ILSP (in-line sample-prep) pesticide cartridge. QuEChERS and SPE methods involve cumbersome and time-consuming manual sample preparation whilst the Revive system not only separates analytes from possible interfering matrix compounds, it also carries out clean-up automatically, whilst the sample is being analysed. This saves time, the need for expensive consumables and reduces the potential for human error without losing the precision demanded for food safety applications. 

Digital Edition

AET 27.4 November 2023

November 2023

In This Edition Business News - Global sales of unique connected personal and area gas monitors reach over $2 million - nke Group announces the acquisition of Aquaread (UK) - Valeport suppo...

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SETAC North America

Nov 12 2023 Louisville, KY, USA

Enlit Asia 2023

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Nov 14 2023 Valencia, Spain

Pharma Asia

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Air Quality Measurement Methods and Tecnology

Nov 14 2023 Durham, NC, USA

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