
Past Events

Unconventional gas extraction has become a major component of the energy sector in the US, however the development of the industry in Europe has been limited, largely limited due to concerns over environmental impacts. One of the most frequently cited public concerns in Europe has been a potential reduction in air quality, through both direct onsite emissions of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx, and more distributed emissions arising from the supply chain and vehicle movemen...

View 10:50:00 29 Nov 2017

The United States has recently experienced the most rapid expansion in oil and gas production in four decades, owing in large part to implementation of new extraction technologies such as horizontal drilling combined with hydraulic fracturing. The environmental impacts of this development, from its effect on water quality to the influence of increased methane leakage on climate, have been a matter of intense debate. Air quality impacts are associated with emissions of nitrogen oxides and vola...

View 12:35:00 29 Nov 2017

Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrogen Fluoride are among the most important pollutants monitored from waste incineration plants, cement kilns and power plants co-incinerating waste. Due to the reactive nature of these gases and their low Emission Limit Value (ELV), measuring these gases with the required low level of uncertainty has been a challenge. New standards for instrumental methods of HCl measurement and manual determination of HF are due to be published by CEN TC264/WG3 in the near future. T...

View 10:50:00 24 May 2017

Calibration and measurements of particulte at concentration below 5m/m3 offer signicant challenges not only to process operators and test houses but also regulators. The STA has been working with industry to highlight the areas of concern and possible solutions thes will be discussed during the presnetation.

View 12:10:00 24 May 2017

Gravimetric PM mass is a widely used method for determining particulate concentration. Different variations of the gravimetric principle are used as references in standards and legislation. While generally accepted as an accurate method, gravimetric measurement suffers from the lack of real-time data. Dekati® eFilter™ is a new instrument which combines gravimetric PM measurement with real-time diffusion charging and current measurement. Knowledge of PM accumulation on the filter can be...

View 13:45:00 24 May 2017

At present too much emphasis for emission control from vehicles and furnaces is placed on monitoring and cleaning the exhaust gases. This means dealing with large volumes of hot gases at low pressures. This may be unavoidable in the case of coal but the adoption of gaseous and liquid fuels allows a different approach. Gases and low boiling hydrocarbon liquids contain relatively simple sulphur compounds and may also contain mercury. This allows a fresh approach for emission control. Gases are...

View 15:00:00 24 May 2017

Lord Whitty, President, Environmental Protection UK, will open the Air Quality and Emissions Show and Conference on Wednesday 24 May at the Telford International. Lord Whitty is the opening speaker of the Air Quality and Emissions Conference at AQE 2017 in Telford. The two day event will start on Wednesday 24 May with Lord Whitty’s presentation covering ‘Environmental Protection Legislation in the Post-Brexit Era’.

View 09:45:00 24 May 2017

Mercury has been elevated to the status of a pollutant of global concern owing to some of its unique toxic properties which pose environmental and health risks. A chemical element, mercury is found both naturally and as an introduced contaminant in the environment, mainly from high-temperature industrial processes such as alkali and metal processing, incineration of coal and oil in electric power stations, foundries, waste combustion and oil and gas processing. Mercury rapidly moved up the...

View 14:35:00 24 May 2017

The EPA Issued the Mats rule ( Mercury Air Toxic Standard ) February 16, 2012 for all the coal & oil fired power plants in the USA and then the EPA issued the Portland Cement Mact on Feb 12, 2013 for the cement kilns operating in the US as well. When these rules were issued the US had almost 1,350 coal & oil fired units operating and a 100+ cement kilns running as well. So the plants had to make a choice as to which technology they were going to adapt for mercury monitoring compliance unde...

View 14:10:00 24 May 2017

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is a workhorse for the analysis of semivolatile organic compounds in environmental samples. The Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC represents a significant advancement in gas chromatography and provides a number of advantages for semivolatile analysis. In this presentation, the performance of the Intuvo GC is demonstrated for the analysis of semivolatiles based upon the specifications of USEPA method 8270D. Included in this study is an evaluation of the Intuvo during...

View 03:00:00 16 Mar 2017

Digital Edition

AET 27.4 November 2023

November 2023

In This Edition Business News - Global sales of unique connected personal and area gas monitors reach over $2 million - nke Group announces the acquisition of Aquaread (UK) - Valeport suppo...

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SETAC North America

Nov 12 2023 Louisville, KY, USA

Enlit Asia 2023

Nov 14 2023 Jakarta, Indonesia


Nov 14 2023 Valencia, Spain

Pharma Asia

Nov 14 2023 Karachi, Pakistan

Air Quality Measurement Methods and Tecnology

Nov 14 2023 Durham, NC, USA

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