
Past Events

Regulatory update on the Industrial Emissions Directive, including the Best Available Techniques Reference document (BREF) for Large Combustion Plant, and also the requirements of the Medium Combustion Plant Directive.

View 10:00:00 24 May 2018

This eLearning session is for anyone analyzing residual solvents or interested in quantitative GC-Headspace analyses.         GC-Headspace is a powerful technique for the analysis of volatile compounds in neat samples or in a variety of matrices. A major use of GC-Headspace is the analysis of pharmaceutical drugs, as well as intermediates and excipients for the presence of residual solvents that may be left over from the manufacturing process. The sample that is analyzed by this t...

View 15:00:00 15 Mar 2018

We present a detailed description and experimental results for a new gas emission survey method that remotely detects and maps the locations of multiple gas emission sources distributed across an extensive area. Our method, which we call LightSource, not only localizes but also estimates the mass emission rates of each of the detected sources. The approach is generally applicable to any airborne contaminant that is passively transported and conserved during transport within the area of intere...

View 11:00:20 30 Nov 2017

If you're looking for professional advice on methane analysis by means of an open-path laser-absorption spectrometer or laser-dispersion spectroscopy, follow the links for the relevant e-Learnings. Similarly, if you're in need of information on hyperspectral infra-red imaging for any-state methane, take a look at Jean-Phillipe Gagnon of Telops Inc.'s lecture on the topic. Finally, click through to find an overview of new sensor technologies for methane analysis. Tunable diode...

View 13:00:00 30 Nov 2017

If you're looking for professional advice on methane analysis by means of an open-path laser-absorption spectrometer, follow the link for the relevant e-Learning. Similarly, if you're in need of information on hyperspectral infra-red imaging for any-state methane, take a look at Jean-Phillipe Gagnon of Telops Inc.'s lecture on the topic. Finally, click through to find an overview of new sensor technologies for methane analysis. Laser Dispersion Spectroscopy (LDS), is a new gas...

View 14:00:00 30 Nov 2017

If you're looking for professional advice on methane analysis by means of an open-path laser-absorption spectrometer or a mid-infrared tunable-diode laser spectroscope, follow the links for the relevant e-Learnings. Similarly, if you're in need of information on hyperspectral infra-red imaging for any-state methane, take a look at Jean-Phillipe Gagnon of Telops Inc.'s lecture on the topic. In 2014 the US Department of Energy's ARPA-E program initiated MONITOR, a 45M US$ investmen...

View 10:00:00 30 Nov 2017

We present a case study of a validation experiment to characterise the precision and uncertainty constraints of a newly developed mass balancing flux calculation method, using in situ measurements of methane concentration sampled by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform.  This case study (funded by the UK Environment Agency) was conducted by the University of Manchester and National Physical Laboratory with assistance from the UK Met Office at its Cardington research facility. The aim...

View 10:00:00 30 Nov 2017

National Grid Plc is incentivised by the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) to conduct research into new techniques to enable National Grid Gas (NGG) to improve understanding and transparency, and allow for cost-effective mitigation, of greenhouse gas (GHG) venting on the National Transmission System (NTS). The mechanism by which this is done is special condition 8J of the Gas Transporters Licence, the Greenhouse Gas Investigation Mechanism (GHGIM). Since 2008 NGG has conducted...

View 11:00:00 30 Nov 2017

Atmospheric methane (CH4) has a powerful short-term global warming impact, and comes from a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. Methane sources include wetlands, landfills, oil / gas / coal extraction activities, and urban emissions from traffic and the natural gas distribution system. Characterizing the magnitude and the origin of these fugitive emissions spatially and temporally is critical to understand their present and future climate impacts.  There are two tracer molecules...

View 09:50:00 30 Nov 2017

Methane is one of the most important gaseous hydrocarbon species for both industrial and environmental reasons. Understanding and quantifying methane emissions to atmosphere is an important element of climate change research. Range-resolved infrared Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) measurements provide the means to map and quantify a wide range of different methane sources. DIAL is a powerful technique that can be used to track and quantify plumes emitted from area emission sources suc...

View 14:25:00 30 Nov 2017

Digital Edition

AET 27.4 November 2023

November 2023

In This Edition Business News - Global sales of unique connected personal and area gas monitors reach over $2 million - nke Group announces the acquisition of Aquaread (UK) - Valeport suppo...

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SETAC North America

Nov 12 2023 Louisville, KY, USA

Enlit Asia 2023

Nov 14 2023 Jakarta, Indonesia


Nov 14 2023 Valencia, Spain

Pharma Asia

Nov 14 2023 Karachi, Pakistan

Air Quality Measurement Methods and Tecnology

Nov 14 2023 Durham, NC, USA

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