• Exclusive, global distribution agreement for award winning piezoelectric gas detection, monitoring and analysis pump

Health & Safety

Exclusive, global distribution agreement for award winning piezoelectric gas detection, monitoring and analysis pump

Sep 19 2019

ION Science has confirmed an exclusive agreement with TTP Ventus  to distribute its award-winning Disc Pump™ to the global gas detection market. The micropump platform offers a wide range of innovative features designed to deliver ultrafast millisecond response and more sensitive detection of gases including volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

An excellent fit with Ion Science’s market-leading photoionisation detection sensors (PIDs), the lightweight TTP Ventus piezoelectric pump offers key features for the gas detection, monitoring, analysis and sampling industries including silent, vibration-free operation, exceptional pressure and flow, true pulsation-free flow, fast response to set-point changes, high precision controllability and resistant to magnetic fields.  

These benefit many applications by allowing, simpler instrument design – especially for chromatographic systems, lower limits of detection, real time capability to respond to trigger conditions, intermittent sampling against pressurised lines, and improved user experience in wearable applications.

The agreement between the two hi-tech businesses covers two Disc Pump product lines: the XP Series provides a combination of performance and efficiency benefits with a wide temperature range from -25 up to 55°C for supporting the most demanding applications whilst the BL Series is a lower cost, entry-level version.

Tom Harrison, Business Development Manager at TTP Ventus comments: “We are excited to partner with Ion Science to offer our Disc Pump to the global gas detection industry. It represents an opportunity to accelerate our growth in this previously untapped market by leveraging Ion Science’s extensive experience, worldwide presence and technological expertise.”

Duncan Johns, Managing Director at Ion Science adds: “The TTP Ventus Disc Pump is truly revolutionary making it an excellent fit with our well proven MiniPID sensor technology. Offering these complementary products under one roof helps us to respond to the ever increasing demand for rapid, sensitive detection of VOCs. We are confident the relationship will be a success and look forward to it further strengthening our position in the global gas detection market.”

The TTP Ventus Disc Pump is already widely used across a range of markets including medical, life science, environmental and defence. It offers two pumping chambers which are configured at the point of manufacture either in series for high pressure applications, or parallel for higher flow.

Most piezoelectric gas pumps rely on the movement of piezo actuator to compress the gas in a cavity which increases its pressure. Such ‘displacement’ pumps have limited performance because the movement of piezo actuators is very small.

By instead creating a standing wave TTP Ventus is able to deliver much greater pressure and flow than traditional piezo pumps. Further, Disc Pump operates at ultrasonic frequencies making it completely silent.

Turning an ultrasound standing wave into useful pumped flow requires a highly specialised valve, able to respond in a matter of microseconds. The patent-protected Disc Pump achieves this delivering unrivalled pneumatic performance.

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