
Reagents and Standards as per Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 21st Edition 2005, APHA AWWA WEF

May 22 2015

Author: Reagecon on behalf of Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd

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As one of the largest producers of Physical and Chemical Standards and Certified Reference Materials worldwide, Reagecon recognise that the growth in our range and the use of such standards requires an innovative approach to the presentation of our products. Focussing on water analysis, this catalogue details the standards, reagents and indicators for different test methods according to the official compendia Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wasterwater, 21st edition 2005(APHA, AWWA & WEF). Methods include the measurement of colour, turbidity, individual organic compounds(eg VOCs, PCBs), Metals by ICP, Flame Photometry and Electrothermal Atomic Adsorption.


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