Air Monitoring

New operating mode for on-line analysis of dioxin emission from stationary sources

Dec 12 2014

Author: M. Mercury, L. Bonvalot, J. Llorens, M. Carette, Y. Zerega, A. Janulyte, C. Reynard, A. Simon-Masseron, J. Patarin, M. Soulard on behalf of CEM

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  • Dioxins and furans are produced by an incomplete combustion of organic and chlorinated compounds
  • Generated by stationary sources such as waste incinerators, cement/metal working industry…
  • Dispersal in the environment as aerosols, accumulation in the food chain

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AET 27.4 November 2023

November 2023

In This Edition Business News - Global sales of unique connected personal and area gas monitors reach over $2 million - nke Group announces the acquisition of Aquaread (UK) - Valeport suppo...

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